
General information

For the International Conference "Transformation of District Heating" over 120 experts from all over Europe will be expected to participate. The conference will take a European perspective on low temperature district heating and present results and pilot projects from the Interreg BSR project LowTEMP (Low Temperature District Heating [LTDH] for the Baltic Sea Region)

Even though the participants will not be physically present in Hamburg, Jens Kerstan, Hamburg Senator for environmental issues, will welcome the virtual audience and Christian Maaß, CEO of Hamburg Institut Consulting, will present the city’s strategy on district heating and urban development.

In the keynote, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Weidlich, HafenCity University, will address potentials and challenges of the implementation of low temperature district heating in Germany. Gabriele Pesce, Euroheat & Power, will add insights on the European perspective on low temperature district heating.

Registration is open. Participation is free of charge.

Morning session

9:00 am - Opening of the conference & welcome by the City of Hamburg
(Jens Kerstan, Hamburg Senator for environmental issues)

  • Welcome by the BSR Interreg project "LowTEMP" (Adam Cenian, IMP PAN)
  • Welcome by the hosts (Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH & Georg Bosak, AGFW-Project GmbH)

9:15 am - LowTEMP – Past, present & future
(Adam Cenian, IMP PAN & Britta Schmigotzki, atene KOM GmbH)

9:45 am - The Hamburg District Heating Strategy
(Christian Maaß, Hamburg Institut Consulting GmbH)

10:15 am - Coffee break

10:30 am - Keynote lecture I: "Low Temperature District Heating in Germany - potentials and barriers"
(Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Weidlich, HafenCity University)

10:45 am - Keynote lecture II: "European perspectives on Low Temperature District Heating"
(Gabriele Pesce, Euroheat & Power)

11:00 am - Panel discussion with Christian Maaß,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Weidlich & Gabriele Pesce

11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Lunch break

Afternoon session

1:00 pm - Results of the LowTEMP project - Introduction
(Britta Schmigotzki, atene KOM GmbH)

1:10 pm - Strategies for energy efficient municipalities in the Baltic Sea Region
(Lilian Bernhardt-Senft, Brandenburg University of Technology)

1:30 pm - Pilot projects on Low Temperature District Heating
(Patrick Johansson & Rolf Strandell, Halmstad Energy and Environment; Francesco Romagnoli, Riga Technical University)

1:50 pm - Sustainability in District Heating systems
(Francesco Romagnoli & Dagnija Blumberga, Riga Technical University)

2:10 pm - Open session discussion

2:30 pm - Coffee break

2:45 pm - Economic framework for LTDH
(Cecilia Thapper, Sustainable Business Hub)

3:05 pm - Capacity building on LTDH
(Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH)

3:30 pm - Final session discussion

End of conference